Let Your Optometrists in Coriscana Help You Find the Perfect Eyewear to Fit Your Needs

Selecting eyewear means a lot more than just seeing clearly. It’s about durability and comfort, and it’s also a chance to express your personal style. There’s no shortage of different
eyeglass frames to choose from, each with its own benefits and disadvantages. That’s why we provide a skilled team of opticians at our
Corsicana, TX practice. Our staff can assist you in making an informed eyewear decision.
Whichever design, color, material, and style of frames you prefer, our optical has it in stock. Ask our friendly, trained opticians to assist you in choosing the right eyewear for you.
With new 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST Brand MULTIFOCAL Contact Lenses you’ll experience clear vision — near, intermediate, and far, in dim light and bright — so you can continue wearing contact lenses to do the things you love. And because they’re built on the 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST platform, you’ll get the same comfort and convenience you expect, for many years to come.
Schedule an appointment today with our Corsicana, TX eye doctors and see the difference MOIST Brand MULTIFOCAL Contact Lenses make for your vision.
If it's contacts lenses you are looking for, then look no further. We offer a wide range of contact lenses to fit your needs including contact lens exams and fittings . We prescribe the latest and greatest in contact lens materials at affordable prices.
We carry a large variety of top designer frames for both eyeglasses and sunglasses.
Whether or not you require vision correction, sunglasses can add an element of comfort and enhanced performance to your activities, while helping you look great.
Eyeglasses are more popular today than ever, despite the availability of contact lenses and vision correction surgery.
Get tips on caring for your lenses and frames and learn about the benefits of bifocals, progressives, high index lenses and prescription sunglasses.
Sports glasses, Protective eyewear, SCUBA diving... we can help you with glasses for your specific needs.
Today’s eyeglass lens treatments make a real difference in what you see, and what you don’t see. Scratches, glare, ultraviolet rays—all are potential hazards to healthy sight that can be minimized or eliminated by a lens treatment.
Transitions Optical, Inc. has developed the world's most advanced photochromic lens technology—the ability of a lens to darken in the presence of invisible UV light. Transitions lenses are the #1 brand of photochromic lenses recommended by eye care professionals worldwide.
Visit our interactive on-line tool and we'll guide you through a series of questions about you, your lifestyle and your specific eyewear needs to help you choose the glasses that are right for you!